Transfer As Positive Attitudes Towards Knowledge and Specific Behavior | IConSES

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Transfer As Positive Attitudes Towards Knowledge and Specific Behavior


Lecturer Jung Lee, California State University Los Angeles, United States of America


This article draws on social psychology’s research into attitudes and values to explain how transfer of writing knowledge may be facilitated through attitude formation and change. The theoretical writing knowledge as stated in Threshold Concepts of Writing explains that writing is a tool that mediates human interactions, enacting and evolving ideologies and identities within activity systems and discourse communities. Such an understanding, we hope, encourages students to see the context-specific nature of writing, and the specific ideologies and beliefs that exist within communities whom students are addressing as they write. I want to propose that if students are to transfer such theoretical writing knowledge across contexts, teachers must 1) define transfer of writing knowledge as beyond the general definition of repurposing of knowledge, to a more specific list of behaviors such as active reading, questioning, listening, and participation within a discourse community—behaviors which would facilitate understanding of specific writing genres, conventions, and community ideologies, beliefs, and attitudes; 2) understand that transfer is likely to happen when students have positive attitudes towards both theoretical knowledge and specific behaviors, given Fishbein and Ajzen’s Theory of Reasoned Action, which suggests behavior is more likely when individuals believe in the positive consequences of the behavior, the subjective norms of such behavior, and also, in their self-efficacy in overcoming potential obstacles when engaging in the behavior; 3) encourage students to have positive attitudes by showing how theoretical knowledge and transfer behavior fulfill values. Invoking values (for example, by exemplifying how learning our knowledge and engaging in information-seeking and community participation may contribute to effective writing for one’s families, cultures, and communities, thus fulfilling values of security and benevolence from Schwartz’s model), may provide students motivation for elaboration and opportunities for self-affirmation, as we encourage positive attitudes and beliefs towards writing theory and transfer behavior.


writing studies, transfer, attitudes, attitude formation and change, values, theory of reasoned action, learning theory  


Lee, J. (2019). Transfer As Positive Attitudes Towards Knowledge and Specific Behavior. In M. Shelley & V. Akerson (Eds.), Proceedings of IConSES 2019--International Conference on Social and Education Sciences (pp. 23-31). Monument, CO, USA: ISTES Organization. Retrieved 08 October 2024 from


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